Matthew 6:24 – No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

This is probably the most well-known verse when it comes to money.

Since the beginning, money has always been a part of this world. Flocks and farms that grew produce were the sources of someone’s wealth. Eventually, gold, jewels and precious stones became the new face of wealth.

Now in today’s age, how much you have in your bank account, the houses, cars and luxuries you have determine a person’s status.

This is a subject that everyone finds touchy. You don’t have to be a Christian to be uncomfortable with this topic, but it is a very complicated thing to deal with as we all want it, but also need it.

In fact, according to an article from Envoyfinancial, this is what they have to say:

“Did you know that there are roughly 2’350 verses concerning money in the Bible? That’s almost twice as many as verses about faith and prayer combined. Jesus had a lot to say about money: Nearly 15% of everything Jesus spoke about related to money and possessions.”

As you can see Jesus had a lot to say about it and one of them is to not worry. Easier said than done, I know. We all worry about money. It’s something none of us can avoid.

But what lessons does Jesus give us that can provide comfort when our finances are low and under attack? What perspective can we have when we look upon money that doesn’t consume us? How can we avoid loving money and being at peace, knowing God has our best intentions.

Below are 4 key points that really speak out and can help us look upon money differently, particularly during uncertain times.

Money is a Resource

Money has forever been a resource, it is a means to help us out, but not something we can consistently rely on.

Money will forever come and go and it will be one thing that never stays. In fact, we all have to part with it over our lifetime and as I’m sure we’ve all heard. You can’t take it with you.

In fact Proverbs 23:5 says this: “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.”

Another way to put this is we have a relationship with money, but money doesn’t have a relationship with us. It will gladly part with us at any time.

That is why it is important to look at God. He is THE SOURCE. He is the one who always provides and the one who will never abandon or forsake you. He truly is the only one who will supply ALL of YOUR needs.

God is always the source; money is always the resource. Look to him, never the money. He will NEVER let you down.

It Messes with our Mind and Being

In the Hobbit, Thorin suffers from Dragon Sickness. Because of the hordes of money within the mountain, he loses his mind and becomes a completely different person. He becomes consumed with all the riches he has in his home.

This is the same for us, money can consume us to the point where it becomes our sole focus. Our sole want. It becomes our idol. It can alienate us from people, it disrupts our daily lives and it can cause a cascade of problems to the point where we are not the people we used to be.

Just return to the first bible verse in my post, Matthew 6:24 for reference. You CANNOT love God AND money.

The mind craves money, the soul craves God. It is important to make sure we are spiritually connected so that we don’t fall into the trap of placing God over money. That can only be accomplished spending time with God and looking at things through his perspective.

Money may be enticing, but it cannot provide safety. You have all heard the phrase “Money is the root of all evil.” Don’t let the seed take root to begin with. If we don’t plant the seed, the root cannot grow. Incinerate it with your faith and on God’s word.

After all, he shines mush brighter than any jewel, gem or precious metal ever will.

Money will Always be a Part of this World and our Lives

As long as we are in this world, we must learn to live alongside everything and anything that is worldly.

But Romans 12:2 says: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what god’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

While that refers to the way the world works, it also refers to the material things of this world. We do have to live alongside money, but we don’t have to let money become our partner (If you want to put it like that.)

The things in this world are only temporary and money is no exception to this. It is from this world, it will forever stay a part of this world.

To all of you, you are part of a family and in your eyes, you see them as a part of your world. In the eyes of Jesus, you are his world. You are the apple of his eye, so to say. There are many things that money can’t buy, one of them is love.

We can take comfort that the most valuable thing in this world that isn’t from this world is with us the whole time, Jesus himself.

We already have the most valuable things we need, hold onto them. Don’t let money be a substitute.

The Type of Worship

William Shakespeare once said: “All that glisters is not gold.” J.R.R. Tolkien also repeated this saying: “All that is gold, does not glitter.”

Gold is just like any other metal, but the outward appearance of it is what causes us to take notice in the first place.

We’ve all heard of ‘first looks’, of ‘first appearances’ that is the same principle with gold. One look and we are hooked.

Gold of course is used as a gift. In fact, one of the magi gave baby Jesus gold as a gift as it represents kingship.

It’s symbolism is two sided as it can represent both good and the bad. How we respond determines which side of the coin that is (No pun intended.)

In fact, the very first 2 commandments of the 10 are to do with what we worship:

  1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
  2. You shall not make any idols to worship.

What you worship, determines who your God is. Just look at the Israelites when they worshipped the golden idol on Mount Sanai and the consequences they faced.

Don’t worship money, worship and praise the one who is valuable.