I’m an introvert and very reserved.

I love being behind the scenes and find myself working away from the scenes entirely.

I get more done in the company of myself rather than others.

So why blogging as a career? Why specifically a Christian blogger? There are loads of other jobs where you work alone? Why this one?


I felt that this was something I had to do

We all have that career we know we’re meant to do. We feel it so deeply, but sometimes we let fear, circumstances, and even people talk us out of it. I know what that’s like. Even worse is when your own thoughts convince you it won’t work. (Another factor to the mix, ugh!)

As mentioned in my about page, I was lying in my bed, praying, wondering about my future, and writing when that one word was quietly uttered into my heart and spirit: “blogging.”

I began to do research into it coming across a blogging course by my future and now mentor Mia Brox, the creator of “She Dreams all Day.” I knew afterwards, this was the career path I was meant to walk. From there my knowledge and experience has grown and continues to grow and I look forward to seeing where I am being taken with it.

1 Corinthians 7:17 – Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.


I would have complete freedom

Every job, even blogging, does have some restrictions, but this career grants so much more than an everyday job does. In fact, this is what blogging has enabled me to do:

  • Allow me more time for my hobbies and my own personal development
  • Choose my own hours
  • Be there more for my family and friends
  • Work anywhere I choose and how I work
  • Travel more
  • Be my own boss, up to a degree. (God is my boss and I still answer to him.)

This is only a small slice of the cake of the benefits of blogging, but just think about what this small slice has done and what happens when you combine it with the bigger picture.


I would be happier and more content

Jobs are important as they give us a sense of belonging in the working world, but we also want to be happy doing what we do.

When you think about it we have 24 hours in a day and spend 8 hours of those working, that’s a third of our day, which when you look at it in the broader scope of our lives means we spend a third of our lives at work.

So if you are unhappy in your work, that means you spend one third of your life discontent and miserable.

I wanted to spend every minute, hour and day of my life enjoying everything I do and blogging has now provided that for me on the career front.

I would be using my gifts and talents to the full as a creative

Having studied scriptwriting in university, I knew that I wanted to write full time using my words to inspire and educate. Part of being a Christian writer is also speaking to the heart and spirit of the reader.

I thought scriptwriting was what I was going to do as I could provide emotion in the words and I loved telling stories. But that has now transitioned over to the world of blogging and I still get to be creative, something I have always been.

I of course still write scripts. In fact I have contributed a couple to my church for the Christmas projects. In my spare time, I can always jump onto the computer, the software program and put something together. Now, however, that is more of a side project/hobby. Blogging is my complete jam and the path I am now on.

I have a great testimony to go with it

I feel this blog is a testimony to the journey I went through, the obstacles, and challenges. Now here I am encouraging people full-time through my words to help them accomplish their dreams and goals.

This alongside continuing to plant seeds and spread the word and grow the kingdom of God in the online world. Truly this is an unexpected and really great blessing and the same can be done for all of you, whatever your ambitions are.

Luke 18:27 – What is impossible with man is possible with God.”